Our Share the Love Drive begins November 1st and ends with our Christmas distribution in the middle of December. During this time we take nearly everything people and pet new and gently used. Please see our Share The Love Wishlist.(We do not take large items, furniture, glass dishware, or clothes.) 

    Our Christmas distribution consists of three parts:

      1) The pet section(requires sign-up) where families get pet food, a new dog and cat toys, dog coats, and other pet supplies that we do not usually have during the year.

     2) Kids Christmas(requires sign-up)-parents with kids that were not able to get signed up anywhere else receive a certain amount of new toys that were on their kid's wishlist along with stocking stuffers and wrapping paper. (families do not have to have pets to be signed up for this part)

   3) Gently used section( does not require sign up)-everything else new or gently used(housewares, Christmas, toiletries, etc) will be in this section. Families will be given bags which they may fill with whatever items they would like in this section.

         Below is what we have been able to do the past two years thanks to so so many who helped. If you would like to be a part of this awesome event, whether to help or to get help feel free to call us at 330-389-5116.



Thank you to everyone, this was one of the best Share The Love's ever!!!  We had more people be a part of it than any other year.  Because of each of you, 308 children of all ages got an average of 6 presents off of their own wish list for Christmas.   The parents as well as others that came were able to get household items and fill paper grocery bags that had been donated by Buehlers in the Portage Lakes, Acme, and Giant Eagle in Green with various clothing articles and misc. household sundries.

Over 800 cats and dogs got food and toys for Christmas.  This averages out to about 13,000 pounds of pet food.  All of those people plus more were able to fill bags of needed gently used items for their pets (coats, beds, leashes, and collars).  There were also several items for smaller pets as in fish, birds, ferrets, etc. that were given out.

Many of the homeless we help got coats, blessing bags, food for their pets, blankets, and sleeping bags.

Thank you to every person that had any part in this year's Share The Love.  No matter what you did to help it meant the world to so many!!! 

The number of businesses and organizations that helped this year could not be named in total without leaving someone out.  So to all of you...THANK YOU.

Once again Montrose Ford took the lead with donating many of our wishes this year for the second time.  Contemporary Living helped again with donations of clothes, toys, and misc.   Akron All Breed training club kicked off our Share The Love again with an amazing Pictures with Santa fundraiser.   United Methodist Church in Rootstown kicked off our gently used collecting by having us pick up after their sale. Companion Pets helped with pet items, Stow Pet Supplies Plus, as well as Springfield Pet Supplies Plus, helped with pet food, treats, and other pet items.  Dollar General in Rootstown helped with children's toys and Centerra country store did photos with Santa for us and Roses Rescue.  A HUGE thank you to our pedigree angels for making multiple trips with pet food and for donating to help get not only children's toys but also dog and cat toys!!!

Thank you to all of the volunteers who came out to help that cold day!!!  Thank you to all who donated, transported, picked up donations, sorted, loaded, made food, shared posts, made dog beds, dropped off pet food, and anything and everything else you did!!!  We love and appreciate every single one of you!!!   Without anyone of you, we would not have been able to help all we did at the Christmas distribution or after it. 

We are in the process of sending out thank you/receipt letters for those who donated. If anyone would like or needs one please message me names and addresses.

Once again THANK YOU does not even begin to cover how grateful we are to each of you and we hope and pray that each one of you got to feel a piece of the Share The Love magic that happened!!!   Can't wait until next year!!!


Thanks to so many people we were able to give gently used items to around 1,000 families.  We provided pet food, treats, coats, and pet toys to over 400 pets.  We provided 8 to 10 wishlist toys to over 150 kids.  We also had one of our families adopted by Aj's search and rescue's family and friends!!!  We had more volunteers and supporters than any year. 

For the first year, we did Angel Trees for some of our wish list items. 
Montrose Ford and Bath and Biscuits LLC both took an angel tree.  They both went above and beyond, not only buying wish list items but also buying extra toys and stocking stuffers for the kids! 

Fairlawn Medina Landscape Supply Company and their family and friends collected a big vehicle load full of pet items and kids toys along with 12 new bikes for the kids that we did not get to for the Christmas distribution but came in handy right before Christmas when families were still coming to us asking for help. 

All through the Share The love drive we had some amazing people who were dropping off donations of clothes, household goods, toys, and more.

Akron All-Breed Training Club did pictures with Santa again this year allowing us to have some money to buy wishlist and pet items.

Once again Contemporary Living showed up with many loads from them and their clients.

Macedonia Petconot only collected pet items but also collected kid's toys for us. 

A Dog's Life was constantly dropping off new and gently used donations.

Carol Fresch donated all of the items that were, left from their Christmas giveaway, and Connie Hall had us come and pick up many truckloads of new and gently used items.

So many individuals showed up throughout the drive with wishlist items that we had posted or boxes of gently used items.

Our bins at the Petcos and Pet Valus kept filling up from all of the wonderful people who wanted to help!   When we got close and noticed the one thing we were short on was pet food we put the cry out and so many of you answered.  Rescues and individuals dropped pet food off giving us enough for the distribution.

Thank you, Sara, Jen, Linda, Joan, and Hailey for keeping all of the volunteers fed during the distribution. We also want to thank Don and Betty Bowles for donating dozens of homemade cookies for the volunteers to eat!

Because there were so many people who donated either money or items this Share the Love, I cannot list them all.  We know who you all are and cannot thank you enough.

Last but definitely not least thank you, thank you, thank you to the volunteers who sorted, picked donations up, loaded, unloaded, worked the distribution, worked on the truck, and did anything else that needed to be done.  These people worked their tails off to make this happen and I don't know what we would have done without them!!! 

All of you helped give many families a Christmas this year!!!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for giving some of your hearts to show families the true meaning of Christmas!!!


People Care Pet Pantry
